Statement by HAS Director Mario Diaz on the death of Southwest founder Herb Kelleher
7 de Enero de 2019

Statement by Houston Airport DIrector Mario C. Diaz on the death of Southwest Airlines founder Herb Kelleher:

The spirit of aviation embraces innovation — pushing beyond boundaries to soar above our own limitations — and that spirit is personified in Herb Kelleher. Herb was, indeed, a larger-than-life innovator, a true visionary whose pioneering spirit helped launch Southwest Airlines in 1971, creating the U.S’s first big low-cost carrier, and his commitment helped shepherd it through the upheaval of airline deregulation and into the modern era. His vision for the airline industry continues to evolve and leaves behind an influential legacy that is hard to overstate. We are honored to be a part of that legacy, with Southwest’s growing presence at William P. Hobby Airport, and strive daily to match Herb’s commitment to customer service and excellence.