Notice of Floodplain Encroachment
5 de Agosto de 2019

The Houston Airport System (HAS) is proposing to redevelop an existing airline maintenance facility at George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH). This project includes expansion of a taxiway and automobile parking. A portion of the taxiway and automobile parking area will encroach upon approximately 66,300 square feet (sf) or 1.52 acres of a regulated floodplain. A map showing the project is available on this page. The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out according to FAA Order 1050.1F. Per Order 1050.1F and Executive Order 11988, Floodplain Management, HAS and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have determined the proposed project is located within the 100-year floodplain. HAS and FAA are presently identifying and evaluating the potential impacts, if any, on the floodplain. Consultation with the Harris County Flood Control District was conducted to ensure the project will meet all applicable floodplain regulations. An existing stormwater detention basin near the site will be expanded to compensate for the encroachment on the floodplain. Therefore, impact on the floodplain is anticipated to be negligible. The encroachment will not impact existing infrastructure, will not have adverse impacts to the floodplain’s natural and beneficial values, will not have a high probability of loss of human life, safe airport operations will not be affected, and aircraft services will not be interrupted.

If requested, a Public Meeting to review the project and provide comments will be granted in conjunction with FAA policy and floodplain review. If you would like to request a meeting, please contact James Parise, HAS Environmental Affairs by phone at (281) 233-1756 or e-mail at; or provide written comments through Aug. 20, 2019 or 15 days from the start of the Notice Publication. Written comments may be submitted by mail to Houston Airport System, Environmental Affairs, Attention: James Parise, P.O. Box 60106, Houston, TX 77205-0106. Written comments from the public will become part of the project documentation.